Monday, January 30, 2012

Almost crawling

Glennden is almost crawling.  I'll give him a couple more weeks then he should be mobile!!  Gracie is not far behind him..

Here are a couple pics of him up on his knees, he's got the rocking down and goes backwards.


Almost there...

Up on his knees.....such a big boy!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Play Time...Even Big Kids Play

Here are some pictures of the big kids playing with the twins...Devin's idea!!  They built Glennden and themselves a rocket ship.   Gracie was really sick that day, so she was cuddling with mom.

I think the best noise to a mother is hearing all her children laughing and playing together!!

Below are the twins playing in their jumperoo's....


Both of my poor babies are sick....

As you all know Glennden had a cold and then got pneumonia. During all that, he spread his germs to Ms. Gracie....her cough is terrible and she then gave it back to now they are both sick..neither one can breathe very good, they are all clogged up and both have coughs.  His was so bad yesterday that he was throwing up after coughing so hard...poor babies.

Last night was hard, neither of them wanted to sleep so just for me they took turns sleeping and then the other one would be mommy got no sleep.   

So here we are now on a sick day.  Mommy outrageously tired and now both babies sleeping. 

Below is all the medicine the babies are on....

Below are the poor babies sleeping..they need it!!

I hope they get better soon!!!